Launching the Paul Hamblin Memorial Award

Last autumn, we paid tribute to Paul Hamblin and today we wish to mark his legacy with the launch of the Paul Hamblin Memorial Award.

Paul’s legacy in advocacy and influencing is evident in the work we do everyday, but that work was rooted in a love for the National Parks and in his constructive and respectful approach. We have used these ideas to frame the award.

The Paul Hamblin Memorial Award 2024 will recognise someone who has made a significant contribution to the work of National Parks, not limited to their own National Park Authority.

They will be

  • A staff member or volunteer from a National Park Authority who is a member of NPE

  • Someone who has made a significant contribution to National Parks, not necessarily limited to their own NPA.

The nominee does not have to have done high profile public work, it is intended to recognise those who work behind the scenes who may not otherwise have their contributions recognised or known about.

Please take 15 mins to nominate a colleague by completing this form.

The closing date for entries is 31st July.


NPE Response to the Exclusion of Protected Landscapes from Changes to the Town and Country Permitted Development Rights 2024 


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